Parish Ministries
These ministries
enrich our worship and take it out beyond the walls. You are invited to join in wherever you feel called.
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Guild - The Altar Guild is a dedicated group of individuals who work behind the scenes to make sure everything is
polished and ready for worship space. They are always looking for a few new members to help them with this
special task.
Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and Intercessors - We have an active group of lay readers, chalice bearers and readers.
This wonderful group is open to training new members and would love to share their ministry.
Choir – We have a small but
extremely dedicated group of singers who offer their voices and talent to God on special occasions. New
voices are always welcome.
Acolytes - The Acolytes serve at the main worship service and also at special services on
all holidays.
– Welcome all who enter for worship. Ushers will help you if you’re new, and guide you to communion.
Fellowship Hour - This is where strangers
become friends. There is coffee, tea, juice and snacks during the fellowship hour following Sunday services. A
sign-up sheet is in the Parish Hall.
and Grounds/Grubby Saturdays – Our dedicated members work to make our grounds beautiful and our buildings safe
and clean. You can come for a Saturday, or join the team on an ongoing basis.
Christian Formation
is a fancy word for everything that makes us better, more joyful disciples of Christ. All ministry is formative,
but we use it here to refer to study and learning.
Study - Lay-led, this group meets in the Parish Hall on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 P.M.
to read and discern together the Word of God. Each lesson is self-contained, so don't worry if you have missed
previous sessions. Just come and see.
Small groups
are the lifeblood of the church. Whether you find them in this listing or under “ministries”
or “outreach” or “formation,” small groups are where we see God-with-us. Join with
your neighbors to deepen your walk with God.
Church Women (ECW) - The ECW is
open to all the women of the church. It is comprised of women all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold a variety of views and who strive daily to
do the work God calls us to do in mission and ministry in the world, that we may shine forth the joy and wonder we share
in God’s holy name. On a practical level, the ECW is also a working organization of the church. Among
the favorite projects of the St. Luke's branch of the ECW are fundraisers for the parish, and its various outreach programs.
Parish Book Club - Meets monthly on last Wednesdays for fellowship and discussion of
books chosen by the members. Check New Visions and/or the Events Calendar for details.
Parish Fun Night & Pot
Luck Supper - We get together on 3rd Sunday of the month at 6:00 to enjoy a meal, play games
or watch a movie and spend time together as a community.