Altar Ministries
The Acolytes -- crucifers, torch bearers, servers and, on occasion thurifers -- serve at the main worship service on Sundays and also at special services at other times during the year.
From carrying the cross and torches to assisting the priest and, on special occasions, swinging the incense, these people serve at the altar.
Not sure what they do? Come and see!
Jack Klie, Acolytemaster
Anne Caloz
Dave Emerson
Tamera Lynch
Debbie McGarrity
A specially chosen group known as the Altar Guild performs the work to ensure that our corporate worship is conducted with care, beauty and dignity, to the glory of Almighty God.
The work of the Altar Guild is a vocation. It differs entirely from work in the social guilds of the church. Members prepare for the gathering of the people of God, caring for the altar linens and communion vessels, arranging the floral decor and setting everything in the sanctuary in readiness for Eucharist on Sundays and other holy days as well as any other rites of the church during the week, such as baptisms, weddings, visitation of the sick and funerals/memorial services.
Although most of our members are women, we also have a few faithful Altar Guild Guys who are always ready and willing to assist.
Our Altar Guild
Gladys (and Al) Astorga
Linda Brescia
Priscilla (and Lou) Goldman
Kay Lynch
Tamera Lynch
Debbie McGarrity
Carol Maxfield
Claudia Smith Wyant, Director
We have an active group of parishioners who minister at our altar every Sunday:
-- Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers who administer the cup of wine at Communion)
Our Eucharistic Ministers
Tamera Lynch
Roberta Nobleman
Claudia Smith Wyant
-- Lay Readers (who read the Bible passages from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Psalm and the New Testament lessons appointed for each service)
-- Intercessors (who offer the prayers of the people).
Lay Readers & Intercessors
Siu Chan
David Emerson
Susan Gonci
Jack Klie
Kay Lynch
Debbie McGarrity
Roberta Nobleman
Claudia Smith Wyant
This dedicated group works in teams and arrives in ample time to make sure that the lights are on, the bulletins and inserts folded and everything is in readiness to welcome parishioners and visitors to the service.
If you choose to partake, you will be directed by the Ushers to the rail to receive Communion. Don't be surprised if you are invited to bring the gifts of the people to the altar.
Got a question about the service? Just ask an usher for help!
Our Ushers
Tom & Anne Caloz
Bob & Heidi Plinio
Tom & Anne Caloz
Kay and Tamera Lynch
Direct us, O Lord, in all
our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works begun, continued and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty God, grant, we beseech thee that we may handle holy things with reverence, and perform our work with such faithfulness and devotion that it may rise with acceptance before thee and obtain thy blessing; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, most merciful Father, we praise you for sending your Son Jesus Christ, who took on himself the form of a servant, and humbled himself, becoming obedient even to death on the cross. We praise you that you have highly exalted him, and made him Lord of all; and that, through him, we know that whoever would be great must be servant of all.
We praise you for the many ministries in your Church, and for calling those who serve. Amen.
The Diocese of Newark to which St. Luke's belongs is part of the worldwide
Anglican Communion represented in the United States (as well as some other parts of the world) by The Episcopal Church.
To learn more about the Episcopal Church, click here:
The Rev. Beverly J. Huck, Priest-in-Charge
Cell: 973-945-1894
43 Massachusetts Avenue & Grant Street
Haworth, NJ 07641
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